Doctors near you in Italy

Wherever you are located, you can see a local doctor and get care in minutes.

Quickly treat common conditions with 24/7 video visits for as low as 20 Euro. In-person appointments available at select locations.

online doctor


Dr. Paola Casadidio

Primary care doctor

18 years experience

Doctors near you in Italy

Wherever you are located, you can see a local doctor and get care in minutes.

Quickly treat common conditions with 24/7 video visits for as low as 20 Euro. In-person appointments available at select locations.

Find assistance online from local doctors

Real doctors, real fast

Get the care you need faster and easier. Stress-free, simple, with clear and affordable prices. 

Telehealth visit
€20 starting from

24/7 for urgent care online

Response time
5 mins for urgent care online

Some conditions
we treat online

Online consultations can help you access treatment for a range of symptoms and conditions without commuting, and provide a valid option when you can’t find a doctor near you.

Book your appointment in no time

No need to download any app, or call any medical offices

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These patients said it better

“Doctors in Italy was a wonderful service. It was easy to use. My son was ill while traveling and I am so glad I found this service and the doctor we had. The doctor was knowledgeable and caring. The service was responsive. My son got his prescription and was on his way to feeling better. I highly recommend you use them.”

Michele Russell

“Highly recommend this service while travelling in Puglia, Italy. I booked a video appointment online and was presented with options to book the Dr of my choice within the hour! Within 1 hour I had spoken with the Doctor via video call, received the invoice and prescription for medication to be issued by the local pharmacy. Excellent service 10/10”

Lisa Barwell

“I had an amazing experience with Doctors in Italy. Navigating the healthcare system in a foreign country can be intimidating. With Doctors in Italy the experience was seamless and effective. Setting up the appointment was super easy, and we were able to interact with a doctor right away. The doctor was very competent and spoke perfect English. I highly recommend the service.”

Andrea Ballarini

The best way to find a doctor in Italy

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English guaranteed

All doctors speak English fluently

Trusted doctors

All doctors are vetted and constantly reviewed

Need a doctor in-person?

Book a doctor’s appointment at one of the Doctors in Italy Points, or request a home visit.

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