When you're far from your doctor
Doctors in Italy helps you schedule appointments online or in-person with local doctors who understand you and can help you today.
Doctors in Italy helps you schedule appointments online or in-person with local doctors who understand you and can help you today.
We’ll need you to fill out a quick intake form to let us know your needs. This will only take a few minutes. No sign-up required.
Doctors will send appointment options and you’ll be notified via WhatsApp, where you’ll receive a viewing link.
Compare prices, see reviews, then choose what works best for you.
Pay online with credit card or PayPal. No insurance needed.
Video visits are available 24/7, just minutes after booking.
Click the link you’ll receive to start your video visit in your browser.
Prescriptions will be sent to you via email. You can contact your clinician with follow-up questions for free within 7 days.
In-person appointments for non-urgent needs are available in select cities across Italy.
Our process ensures fast and easy appointment scheduling.
You'll know the cost of the consultation before booking
All doctors speak English fluently
All doctors are vetted and constantly reviewed
A space for sharing our experience by answering questions others like you have asked before.
More questions? Check our help page
Made with a steady supply of ☕ by Doctor Today
Doctors in Italy enables providers to deliver telehealth services and allows travelers to connect with licensed providers. Doctors in Italy does not provide medical advice, own or operate medical practices, or supervise clinicians. Get more information about the relationship between Doctorsa and the medical providers.